Something In Your Voice was a show by Emergency Chorus, still in development. I collaborated on the development of the show, and composed the sound for the most recent showing.

Both Together at the Same Time; 2020 – ongoing
25 minutes
available for touring and online performance
How is a person like a computer? Where is The Other Finsbury Park? Both Together at the Same Time is an autobiographical puzzle box, a monologue of overwritings which folds personal histories and concepts from computational mathematics quite literally on top of one another, building to an exploration of the nature of memory itself.
It’s been performed online as part of MISC festival when I was graduating my MA; but it is designed to work best for a live audience. I’m hoping to perform it when I can in the year coming: it’s lightweight and text focussed, making it relatively easier to put on at short notice than my other work. If you’re interested in programming short performances with a focus on form, hit me right up. My minicassete is reeled taught, my 9V battery is full of charge, I’m ready to go.
Written and performed by Nat Norland.