Something In Your Voice was a show by Emergency Chorus, still in development. I collaborated on the development of the show, and composed the sound for the most recent showing.

Celebration; 2016
I wrote a song for this show by Emergency Chorus. It was a nice song, but I don’t have a good recording of it, so you’re going to have to take that on trust. I put it here for posterity, mostly.
In their words:
“Amidst global crises and 24-hour rolling news, CELEBRATION was made in response to a provocation: create an hour of joy. Taking the form of a sort-of-variety-show of games, song, dream-like images and clumsy dance, the piece explores joy and optimism as political tools.”
The song was a setting of the lyrics of Celebration by Kool and the Gang. It was written for analog synthesizer, violin, loop pedal, and two voices. It was sort of charming in a sort of awkward way. We were 19, so we were probably, too.
More info HERE
photo by Aenne Pallasca, Richard Lakos, or Giulia Delprato. I will make more effort to find out which, but in the meantime, flip a coin. 1 in 3 aint bad, right?