Something In Your Voice was a show by Emergency Chorus, still in development. I collaborated on the development of the show, and composed the sound for the most recent showing.

Blood Wedding (RCSSD); 2022
A little snippet from the beginning of Act I. A loud bit! Featuring a distorted treatment of a bit of song by one of the composers, Lisa Knapp.
I sound designed this show for MA Classical Acting at RCSSD.
Lorca’s text, with its terse, spare diaglogue and crescendo of expressionism, allowed a pretty free reign for me to do some fun stuff with the sound design. The sort of text that can hold a lot of strangeness but doesn’t always demand it front and centre, which was an enjoyable way of approaching it.
Sound for almost every scene had sounds of flora and fauna, and a synthetic element layered against them. An early note of mine reads ‘dry with gusts of wind, and the winds carry hard bad songs.’ This blending is indicative of my approach throughout. Early hard bad songs were dominated by FM synths: in act 2 softer granular synthesis replaced them, and by the end of the show both types of sound returned, in a more aggressive foregrounded role. The final scene was left deliberately bare.
For more information and full credits, see HERE.
photo by Cam Harle