Something In Your Voice was a show by Emergency Chorus, still in development. I collaborated on the development of the show, and composed the sound for the most recent showing.

Something in Your Voice; 2020 – ongoing
extract/condensed version of sound from the opening section of bristol WIP
I sound designed/am sound designing this show for Emergency Chorus. Also doing some dramaturgy for it, but this isn’t the relevant part of the website for that.
In their words:
“Something in Your Voice will be our third full-length theatre show. It will use the form of telephone conversations to explore distance and intimacy, public and private spheres, power and information, individual and collective responsibilities. Taking inspiration from the everyday dance of switchboard operators and the poetry of the Yellow Pages, Something in Your Voice is an intricate web of missed connections, broken signals, international time delays, cold calls, bureaucratic labyrinths, late-night gossip, bleary arguments and oddly profound interactions with insurance scam bots. Disembodied voices - fragments of life under late capitalism - are impelled to lie, seduce, bamboozle and confess in this web of anxious interactions.”
The Bristol Old Vic WIP featured a slow building terrain of looping, brassy drones and bright stutters, designed to underscore an extended section of text. There were also some more abrasive and metallic moments towards the end of the show.
I have been setting some lyrics (not mine) in a melancholic 3 part polyphonic arrangement in anticipation of a future version of the show.
For more information and full credits, see HERE.
photo by Chelsey Cliff