Something In Your Voice was a show by Emergency Chorus, still in development. I collaborated on the development of the show, and composed the sound for the most recent showing.

Boy Parts; 2023
I associate sound designed this adaptation of the Eliza Clark novel, adapted by Gillian Greer and directed by Sara Joyce. The sound designer was Tom Foskett-Barnes.
In their own words:
“Irina takes erotic photos of average looking men. Always behind the lens, she watches, she moulds, and she stalks. These boys are putty in her hands, just the way she likes it.
When the opportunity to show her photographs in a fashionable London gallery – “darling, you just don’t get chances like this in the North” – coincides with a new boy to obsess over, cracks begin to appear. How far can she push her new prey for the perfect shot, or has she already gone too far?”
I was there to help with networking, cue plotting, and to generally act as an extra pair of hands for Tom. It was a pretty complex show, in terms of sound, lighting, and video taken together, but I think it came together well.
For more information and full credits, see HERE.
photo by Alex Bibby